It seems some peole are experiencing problems trying to post a Blog on this site, so here are a few basic tips; it will be good to see contributions flowing after you read these basic instructions- the site is getting lots of hits, so we know you are all out there somewhere.....
There are 2 parts to a blogsite; the page you see here and the "Dashboard" where you post your blog from.
To get to the Dashboard, click on the little Blogger icon you see in the top left hand corner of this page and wait for the Dashboard page to open. Then you need to sign in; on the top right hand side is a box asking for a sign in name and a password. This is the one you used when you accepted the invitation email and got your name on the site as a member. If you cannot remember what that was, you will nedd to create a new account [ do not click on "create a blog" - well not until you are ready to make one of your own]
Best to tick "remember me" if you are prone to forget these minor details.
When you have successfully logged on, you will see the blog Vietnam Encompassed in the middle of the screen. Click in the green thingy that says "New post" and lo and behold the text screen will open!
Add your text as usual and click on the little picture on the toolbar to add a photo and another window will open. Although it indicates that you can load up to 5 photos at a time, I find this does not work very well these days - well not with a dial up internet connection anyway.
So browse and find your photo [jpg format] on your hard drive then click on "Load photo" near the bottom of the screen and wait while your pic uploads - this will be quite awhile if you use a high resolution camera. As the web does not need high res photos it is best to duplicate/copy and then resize the pic first in photoshop or similar software [in the resize menu make the longest side of the pic say 6oo pixels with the restrain proportions box ticked and save to a convenient folder for web posting.] DO NOT RESIZE YOUR ORIGINAL PRIZE WINNING PIC !! When the DONE window pops up you can finish your post and now just click on "Publish post" and you are done
If this does not help, perhaps I can "walk" you through it on the phone sometime.